Donnelly LF. Commentary: oral contrast medium administration for abdominal CT – reevaluating the benefits and disadvantages in the pediatric patient. Pediatr Radiol. 1997 Sep;27(9):770-2. PubMed PMID: 9285746.
Many radiologists consider the oral administration ofcontrast medium mandatory prior to performing anyCT of the abdomen and pelvis [1–15]. This is particularlythought to be true in children, who lack abundant retro-peritoneal fat, which provides a source of natural con-trast in adults [5]. We feel that the administration oforal contrast for CT should not be viewed as mandatory,but that the advantages and disadvantages of oral con-trast medium administration should be considered on acase by case basis. This manuscript reevaluates the man-datory administration of oral contrast medium for pedi-atric patients undergoing abdominal CT.
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