Portal de Boas Práticas em Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente


Criteria To Evaluate Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction In Children With Congenital Zika Syndrome

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Azevedo De Almeida V, Sotero N, Pauletti Gonçalves R, Morya E, Lira Lisboa L, Maria Costa Monteiro L, et al. Criteria To Evaluate Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction In Children With Congenital Zika Syndrome v1. 2020.

Children with Congenital Zika Syndrome (CZS) present brain abnormalities that include the cortical level (RIBEIRO, 2018) and can compromise the integrity of their conexions with the urinary and digestive systems, making them susceptible to bowel and bladder dysfunctions. Studies have confirmed the presence of neurogenic bladder in children with microcephaly and CZS (COSTA MONTEIRO, 2018; 2019). Considering the frequent association between bladder and bowel dysfunctions (MACHADO, 2016), their common embrionary origin and their similar sympathetic (L1-L3) and parasympathetic (S2-S4) innervation, it would be expected that patients with CZS and neurogenic bladder may also present bowel dysfunction. However, we didn’t find published studies that have specifically addressed bowel dysfunction in children with CZS and bladder dysfunction. Therefore, we developed and tested this research protocol, based on accumulated knowledge in the treatment of patients with neurogenic bowel for other causes, and also in the treatment of patients with CZS. This protocol was approved by the institutional ethics committee (CAAE-17583419.7.0000.5537) and has been used as part of the investigation methodology of bowel dysfunction in CZS children admitted for ambulatory follow-up on Anita Garibaldi Center of Education and Research in Health (CEPS). The Bowel Function Assessment Protocol includes extended clinical anamnesis with guiding questions related to signals and symptoms of functionals disturbances, detailed physical examination, Bristol scale and rectal ampoule ultrasound.
This protocol is part of a research in progress at CEPS. Our preliminary data, under protection to be published, suggest that neurogenic bowel dysfunction can be a sequel of CZS. By making this research protocol public, we hope to encourage the reproduction of this research by other groups and empower scientific knowledge in the field of CZS.

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