Portal de Boas Práticas em Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente


Home-based Maternal Records: Guidelines for Development, Adaptation and Evaluation

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World Health Organization. (‎1994)‎. Home-based maternal records : guidelines for development, adaptation and evaluation. World Health Organization. https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/39355

Maternal, neonatal and perinatal mortality rates are unacceptably high in most developing countries. In Addition to the adverse effects of the families involved, the high rates are of serious concern to health workers, planners, political, leaders and society as a whole. Most deaths during the vulnerable periods associated with pregnancy and childbirth occur because of a failure to recognize the seriousness of problems and make use of available services in good time, together with poor health infrastructures. In addition, many deaths occur in “at-risk” cases, in which one or more of the conditions and characteristics considered to be risk factors are present. Fortunately, most risk factors can be dealt with provided that they are diagnosed and manager in time.


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