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New WHO Recommendations on Screening and Treatment to …

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World Health Organization.Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research. New WHO recommendations on screening and treatment to prevent cervical cancer among women living with HIV. Geneva. 2021.

In July 2021, WHO published a new edition of its guideline on screening and treatment to prevent cervical cancer, which includes 16 new and updated recommendations and good practice statements for women living with HIV. The guidance was developed to update the existing WHO recommendations on screening and treatment, including guidance on diagnostic tests, and to simplify the algorithms, while ensuring that the recommendations are feasible and acceptable for both the health workers providing screening and treatment services, and for women, the users of those services. The new and updated WHO recommendations are intended to support countries to scale up access to and uptake of cervical cancer screening and treatment with quality modern technologies and thereby improve coverage of both screening and treatment and reduce cervical cancer disease and deaths.

This policy brief highlights the key features of the new recommendations on screening and treatment for cervical pre-cancer among women living with HIV, and includes programme considerations for implementation including service delivery, service integration and addressing barriers to access.

Disponível Em: <https://www.who.int/>