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Otaining Consent. Clinical Governance Advice no. 6

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Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Otaining Consent. Clinical Governance Advice no. 6. London: RCOG, 2015.

This is the third edition of this guidance, which was previously published in December 2008 and October 2004 under the same title. The purpose of the advice is to provide a good practice framework for obtaining valid consent in obstetrics and gynaecology. Specific advice for some individual procedures has been published separately and is available from the RCOG website: www.rcog.org.uk.

To obtain informed consent the process of shared understanding and decision making between patient and clinician must be approached diligently and robustly. Before seeking a woman’s consent for a test, treatment, intervention or operation, you should ensure that she is fully informed, understands the nature of the condition for which it is being proposed, its prognosis, likely consequences and the risks of receiving no treatment, as well as any reasonable or accepted alternative treatments. Uncertainties that the woman may have about the management of the condition should be discussed.

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