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Robson Classification: Implementation Manual

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Robson Classification: Implementation Manual. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP) data. CIP data are available at http://apps.who.int/iris.

Rising CS rates are a major public health concern and cause worldwide debates due to potential maternal and perinatal risks associated with this increase, inequity in access and cost issues. There should be a classification system to monitor and compare CS rates at facility level in a standardized, reliable, consistent and action-oriented manner. This classification system should be applicable internationally and it should also be useful for clinicians, facility administrators, public health authorities and women themselves.  The Robson
Classification is for “all women” who deliver at a specific setting (e.g. a maternity or a region) and not only for the women who deliver by CS. It is a complete perinatal classification. The classification is simple, robust, reproducible, clinically relevant, and prospective. It allows the comparison and analysis of CS rates within and across these groups of women. Even before official endorsement by an international institution or formal
guidelines recommending its use in 2015, the Robson Classification had been rapidly and increasingly used by many countries all over the world. In 2014 WHO conducted another systematic review to gather the experience of the users of the Robson Classification, to assess the pros and cons of its adoption, implementation and interpretation, and to identify barriers, facilitators and potential adaptations.
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