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The Family in the Practices of Family Health Teams

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da Silva NC, Giovanella L, Mainbourg EM. [The family in the practices of Family Health teams]. Rev Bras Enferm. 2014 Mar-Apr;67(2):274-81. Portuguese. PubMed PMID: 24861072.

Exploratory, qualitative study, that aimed to analyze the “centrality in the family”, a Family Health Strategy (FHS) attribute, examining how the family context is considered in the practice of health professionals, through the analysis of health practices directed to families in Manaus-AM, Brazil. Interviews, participant observation and the focus groups were used as techniques for data collection. Informants were FHS teams professionals and families members. The focus on family was analyzed in two dimensions, called: a) Deploying a new family-centered care model and b) Incorporating the family as the center of care in the new health care model. The results showed low intensity of focus on the family in health practices. The family is not the center of attention in the FHS in Manaus and practices of professionals within the FHS teams still focus on individuals.

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