Portal de Boas Práticas em Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente


What is Family-Centred Service? Sheet #5

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Law M, Rosenbaum P, King G, King S, Burke-Gaffney J, Moning-Szkut T, Kertoy M, Pollock N, Viscardis L, Teplicky R. What is Family-Centred Service? CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research, McMaster University. FCS Sheet #5. 2003; 5p.

This FCS Sheet outlines 10 “family-centredideas” for families, service providers, and organizations. The ideas have been organized in columns to allow you to use the information in different ways. For example, the following three sheets could be posted on a bulletin board or the columns could be cut out and used as bookmarks. Regardless of how you choose to use this FCS Sheet, we encourage you to share your favorite “family-centred ideas” with other people

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