Portal de Boas Práticas em Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente

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The Nursling. Pierre Budin, France, 1907. It was an infant about five weeks old that the aged Israelite held in his arms in Herod's temple when he said: "Mine eyes have seen Thy Salvation." The Infant had to be saved from Herod's sword. All the great thoughts that have emanated from human brains, all the great works erected by human hands, we owe to those who were once infants ready to perish. So easily does the new-born child die that Bergeron is cited in this book as saying that it has less chance than a man of ninety of living for a week — less chance of living through a year than a man of fourscore.In Paris, between thirty and forty years ago, I talked with a young obstetrician, who was taking part in Concours that were then in progress for some coveted appointments. I asked if he had not thought of going in for what seemed to be the most desirable of all. "That would be useless," he replied. "Budin is competing for it, and we all know that nobody can stand against him." Three or four years ago, in the Dean's office in our University, I came across a student so well known among his fellows for his ability, that men who had put down their names as candidates for scholarships came and asked that they should be dropped from the list, because they had learned that Maloney was their competitor. In the last year of my tenure of the professorship of midwifery he gained the James Scott Scholarship as the most distinguished graduate of the year in my department, and thus became entitled to the position of House Surgeon in our Maternity, where he ...