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CDC/NHSN Surveillance Definitions for Specific Types of Infections

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC/NHSN surveillance definitions for specific types of infections.

This chapter contains the CDC/NHSN surveillance definitions and criteria for all specific types of infections. This chapter also provides additional required criteria for the specific infection types that constitute organ space surgical site infections (Refer to Chapter 9 Appendix for specific event types available for organ space SSI attribution for each NHSN operative procedure category). Comments and reporting instructions that follow the site-specific criteria provide further explanation and are integral to the correct application of the criteria. Refer to Chapter 2 (Identifying HAIs in NHSN) for specific guidance for making HAI determinations.

Infection criteria contained in this chapter may be necessary for determining whether a positive blood specimen represents a primary bloodstream infection (BSI) or is secondary to a different type of infection (see Appendix B Secondary Bloodstream Infection (BSI) Guide). A BSI that is identified as secondary to another site of infection must meet one of the infection criteria detailed in this chapter and meet other requirements. Secondary BSIs are not reported as Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections in NHSN, nor can they be associated with the use of a central line.

Disponível Em: <https://www.cdc.gov/>