Portal de Boas Práticas em Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente


V30 Humanization of Childbirth in Brazil: Results in a Public …

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Amorim, M., Melo, F., Leite, D., Maia, S., Radaci, I., Melo, A., Souza, A. and Alves, J. (2009), V30 Humanization of childbirth in Brazil: results in a public maternity in Northeast. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 107: S405-S405. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0020-7292(09)61467-3.

To present a video describing the results of a protocolfor humanization of childbirth in a public hospital in Brazil.

This video presents how evidence-based recommenda-tions of WHO and Health Ministry of Brazil for labor and deliverycare are been followed in a public hospital in Campina Grande,Northeast of Brazil.The parturients are allowed to ambulate and adopt anycomfortable position they prefer during labor and delivery. Non-pharmacological methods for relieving pain labor are used.Positions for delivery are predominantly vertical and a special chairis used. Episiotomies are not performed routinely and promotingbreastfeeding in the delivery room is oart of standard care.

A movie presenting several parturients and their deliveriesis presented, including 167 vaginal deliveries and 14 cesareansections. No episiotomy was performed and video demonstrates themethods for perineal protection. Vaginal tears occurrred in about50% of cases but suture was needed in only 30% of women. Imagesof mother-infant skin-to-skin contact and early breastfeeding arepresented, as well as testemonials of the participating women andtheir families. All the babies had 5th-minute Apgar scores ≥7.

A good labor and delivery care based on currentcientific evidences is possible even in low-resource settings withprotocols of humanization. Maternal and perinatal outcomes aregood

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