Portal de Boas Práticas em Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente


Atlas of Childhood Obesity

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World obesity. Atlas of Childhood Obesity, 2019.

This Atlas of Childhood Obesity provides the latest estimates of infant, child and adolescent obesity prevalence in 191 countries.

It also provides estimates of the prevalence and numbers of children living with obesity in 2030, along with an estimate of the probability of achieving the World Health Organization (WHO) target of ‘no increase in obesity prevalence by 2025’ on the assumption that present trends continue.

As some countries may have a low level of childhood obesity prevalence yet fail to prevent it climbing before 2025, the World Obesity Federation (WOF) has calculated a ‘risk score’ for each country’s likelihood of having or acquiring a major childhood obesity problem during the 2020s, taking account of current prevalence levels and risk for future obesity (based on stunting among infants, maternal obesity, maternal smoking, and breastfeeding rates).

Throughout the Atlas we have used colour-coding to indicate worse (red), moderate (amber) or better (green) levels for each of the indicators shown. Details for the colour-coding thresholds are given in the Atlas appendix.

This present Atlas is the first of its type. It is launched as UN agencies are compiling a mid-term review of progress on the United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016-2025), to be tabled at the United Nations General Assembly in December 2019.

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