Woods CR. Congenital syphilis-persisting pestilence. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2009 Jun;28(6):536-7. doi: 10.1097/INF.0b013e3181ac8a69. Review. PubMed PMID: 19483520.
Perinatally acquired syphilis annually affectsan estimated 713,600 to 1,575,000 pregnan-cies worldwide via spontaneous abortion,stillbirth, or congenital syphilis. Sub-SaharanAfrica, congenital syphilis has a role in 21%of perinatal deaths.1In the United Statescongenital syphilis increased to 10.5 per100,000 live births in 2007 from a nadir of8.2 in 2005, where it had fallen from 107.3per 100,000 in 1991. Rates of primary andsecondary syphilis have increased among allage groups in the United States in recentyears, with greater increasesamong malesthan females.
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